domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Let's watch a video about stress


Spin the wheel and use the word you get in a question related to the topic of "embracing stress".  Ask your classmate that question; the answer should reflect the topic of the unit.

Choose a role to answer:

  • A psychologist (stress specialist)
  • A life coach expert on stress management 
  • A worker under a lot of stress 
  • A doctor 



 How Different People Manage Their Stress


This class is putting up a virtual support group to help each other out and share testimonies on how each of us handles stress. 

Prepare a 2-minute speech where you share a testimony of a high-peak stress moment you had.  Talk about the best ways in which you fight your stress (either work place stress or personal life stress). Be ready to share.   - INCLUDE VOCABULARY WORDS -

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