domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 1:  "Things that Matter" (Ch. 7)


Task 1:  Active or Passive Voice? 

Work with your partner to answer the questions. Submit your answers when you finish.



Task 2:  Are you a spender or a saver?

Together with your partner, watch this interactive video and answer the questions that appear during it. You can go back and check the information.

To watch the video CLICK HERELinks to an external site. 


Task 3:  What Happens to Unwanted Clothes (video)

1. Before you watch:

Talk to your partners about the clothes you buy for you and/or your family (8 minutes).   

    • How often do you shop for clothes? 
    • Do you go shopping for clothes when you or someone in your family needs a specific item or whenever you feel like it?
    • Do you prefer to buy new or second-hand clothes?  
    • What do you do with the clothes that you no longer want?

2. While you watch:

Watch the provided portion of this video with your partner. You can turn on the subtitles if you want. 

    • Who made the video?
    • What is the purpose of the video?
    • Does it provide enough supporting evidence for what they say?
    • Does it indicate the sources of the information provided?



3. After you watch:

Have a discussion with your partner(s) about the video. Be prepared to share your conclusions with the class. (10 minutes)

    • What information in the video was new to you? What information was not new to you?
    • How much time approximately does polyester and other synthetic fabrics take to biodegrade?
    • What happens to clothes that are discarded?
    • Is recycling clothes a good solution?
    • Why do you think they say at the end of the video "let's hope we can make it to Mars in time"?


Task 4:  Something must be done!

  • Go HERELinks to an external site. to write a 6-sentence paragraph with your partner where you describe what a family such as the Kellogg's family from the book's reading does to reduce environmental problems caused by consumerism. You should ONLY use the passive voice in your paragraph; include both positive and negative statements.  Example:  Plastic bags are never used in this family. 
  • After you're done with your paragraph, you can read and comment the paragraphs written by the other groups.


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