domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 3:  "Life Now and in the Past" (Chapter 9)




Task 1:  Let's practice the new vocabulary we've learned.  Take turns to spin the wheel and make sentences about the past that include the word you got from the wheel.




Task 2:  Video "I Used to"

Watch this video to see examples of "used to" being used to refer to past habits and interests in four different dialogues . 




Task 3:  Let's Practice "Used to"

3.1  Go HERELinks to an external site. to do some exercises with "used to".

3.2  Talk with your partner about the activities that are done with these appliances; how they used to be done in the past and how they are done now.










Task 4:  Let's Practice the Passive Voice

4.1  Go HERELinks to an external site. to do a past passive voice exercise.

4.2  Take turns to change the sentences from past active to past passive voice.



Task 5:  Role-playing the Past

Have a dialogue where one of you is an older person being interviewed by a younger one about life in the past. Have the participants compare how things used to be done in the past with how they are done now. Make sure to use in your dialogue "used to" both in sentences and in questions and the passive voice.

Examples of structures you could use in your role-play:

How did you use to study for tests when you were a child?   We used to read from our notebooks...

Food was usually cooked on a cast stove when I was very young.




Task 6:   Phrasal Verbs

6.1  Watch these videos to learn more about phrasal verbs.





6.2  Go HERELinks to an external site. for a list of the most common phrasal verbs in English.  At the bottom of the page, you will find two sets of exercises.  Do them and check them afterwards.


6.3  Here's a great summary for you to study:



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