domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 2:  "Conservation" (Chap. 8)


First Conditional Video:  Watch this video to help you understand the future real conditional, also known as first conditional:



Task 1:  Let's put this in order!

Unscramble the words to get real conditional sentences (sentences that indicate a condition and its possible outcome). Do as many as you can; the rest you can do for homework.



Task 2:  "If you spin this wheel, you will review useful vocabulary and the first conditional."

Take turns to spin the wheel and make a meaningful "If..." sentence with the word you get. 

Example:   If you buy wooden toys instead of plastic ones, you will help decrease pollution caused by plastics.





Adverbs of Manner Video:  Watch this video to help you understand what adverbs of manner are and how they are formed.



Task 3:  If you make an effort conscientiously, you can help undo negative consequences.

3.1  Review the different categories for adverbs of manner depending on their ending. Take turns with your partner to come up with 5 sentences or more that use adverbs of each category to talk about activities that harm the environment.



3.2 Another game with adverbs of manner.



3.3  Yet another game with adverbs of manner.



Countable and Uncountable Quantifiers

Task 4:  Let's review count and noncount quantifiers.


Task 5:  Let's research some conservation problems we have in Costa Rica.



You are asked to represent our country at an international conference on conservation. You'll need to do some research with your group on one conservation problem our country has. Go HERELinks to an external site. to write about your findings on a specific problem chosen by your group in order to make a collaborative presentation for the conference. 

You can read or skim this newspaper articleLinks to an external site. to get some ideas on conservation problems in Costa Rica.

Have a discussion with your group before deciding on the problem you would like to do research on. You can make a concept map like the one on page 110 of your book.

Make at least 5 publications or slides: 

  • 1) The first one should include some background on the topic: what it is and why it is considered a problem.
  • 2) The second and third slides should indicate consequences if nothing is done to address this problem ("If nothing is done, this will happen.")
  • 3) The fourth and fifth slides should indicate consequences if specific steps are taken to address this problem. ("If we take this measure, this will happen.")

Make sure to include illustrations, links to videos or webpages, etc., in each of your slides.

At the end, each group should explain their slides to the rest of the class as they would do in their presentation at the conference.


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