domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 3:  "Live and Learn" (Chapter 7)


Look at these pictures. Describe each learning setting. How has learning evolved over the years?




modern classroom.jpg




Task 1:  Let's review the first conditional, which will come in handy in our class discussion.

1.1  First Conditional Video:  Watch this video to help you review the future real conditional, also known as first conditional:



1.2  Let's put this in order!

Unscramble the words to get real conditional sentences (sentences that indicate a condition and its possible outcome). Do as many as you can; the rest you can do for homework.




Task 2:   Let's review the new vocabulary (page 125)

Take turns with your partner to spin the wheel and make a meaningful sentence using the word you get. Use the first conditional structure reviewed in the previous task.

Example:  If students don't read about what happens in the world, their knowledge will always be outdated.




Task 3:  Video "How to Read When You Hate Reading."

Watch the video and take notes on the tip you were assigned and include them in THISLinks to an external site. collaborative document. Get ready to make a short presentation to the rest of the class on your tip and your ideas around it.



Task 4:  Embedded Questions


4.1  Watch this video about embedded questions.




4.2  What is Paragliding?

4.2.1  Watch this short video to learn what paragliding is. Take notes about the different forces that help keep a paraglider in the air despite gravity pulling him or her down. Talk with your partner about paragliding.  Do you think you could learn to paraglide on your own?



4.2.2   Make ten statements about the video that include embedded questions.


Task 5:  Class discussion

How the internet is affecting our reading skills and proficiency based on the information provided in the book, and how you think this will affect learning in the future.  Two teams will hold and defend opposing positions on this topic.



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