domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 4:  Travel (Chapter 10)



Let's watch this video about a seasoned traveler's take on what the 10 cheapest countries in the world are.  Do you think Costa Rica will be there?



Task 1:  What to Say When You Travel

1.1  Watch this video to learn common traveling vocabulary and dialogues.



1.2  Watch this other video and do the exercises to learn about phrasal verbs that have to do with traveling.




Task 2:  Let's review the vocabulary we have learned. 

Take turns to spin the wheel and make a meaningful sentence with the word you get, using one of these modal verbs: must, have to, need to, or have got to.  



Task 3:  What Does Traveling Do to Our Minds?

Let's watch this video. According to the video, write two benefits of traveling for those who travel. Discuss with your partner about another two benefits you both can think of that are derived from traveling.



Task 4:  Let's Go on a Trip!


4.1  With your partner, skim the following article: 

Trip Planning Checklist - Ultimate Step By Step Guide - Tourist AnywhereLinks to an external site.


4.2  According to the article, choose 5 indispensable items (accommodations, transportation, itinerary, etc.) from the checklist of things you should do before going on a trip ("The Ultimate Trip Planning Checklist" from the Tourist Anywhere website). Choose a destination within Costa Rica that you would like to visit. Do the necessary research on the internet to present to the class a plan for traveling to that destination, staying there for 5 days, and getting to do interesting activities while you are there. Make your plans to be as low-budget as you can, and try to use the modal verbs we've studied to indicate both necessity (must, have to, need to, and have got to) and prohibition (must not and can't) in your presentation. 




Task 5:  A Cultural Event in Costa Rica

Write about a cultural event in Costa Rica that you have been to or would like to attend, such as the Día Nacional del Boyero (National Oxcart Driver Day, go HERELinks to an external site. for more information), Día de la Virgen de los Ángeles (Virgin of Los Angeles Day, go HERELinks to an external site. for more information), Fiesta de los Diablitos (Festival of the Devils or Ancestral Spirits, go HERELinks to an external site. for more information), Exposición Nacional de Orquídeas (National Orchid Show, go HERELinks to an external site. for more information), etc. Your paragraph must be at least 6 sentences long and should include a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.  (Notice that the slides of the writing exercise we did in class are included after these instructions, at the end of this Discussion.)




Slides for the Writing Exercise Done in Class:


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