domingo, 25 de junio de 2023

 Week 4:  Health (Chapter 10)


Task 1:  Let's Review the Vocabulary for Parts of the Body and Health Problems

1.1  Match the picture to the name of the part of the body.



1.2  Here's another activity to learn more parts of the body vocabulary.



1.3  With this activity, you will review the vocabulary for health problems.



Task 2:  How do you feel?

Unscramble the statements to get affirmative sentences, negative sentences, and questions about how you feel.



Task 3:  Getting advice from your doctor

Watch this video with your partners. Make a list of the symptoms each patient has. Write a sentence with one piece of advice the doctor gives each patient, and make sure it includes should, the modal verb for giving advice or opinions. 

Example:  "Mrs. Smith should rest all day."



Task 4:  I don't feel well!

4.1  Here's another video about health problems and how we talk about them.  



4.2  Role-play:  Two friends have a conversation where one friend tells the other his/her symptoms, and the other gives advice on how to treat those symptoms:

Health ProblemAdvice
headachetake medication, rest, drink water
flutake medication, rest, drink lots of fluids
toothachego to the dentist
stomachacheuse a heating pad, take medication
food poisoningdon't eat, drink lots of fluids
knee hurtsput an ice pack on it, go to the doctor
backacherest, put an ice pack where it hurts



Presentation for this chapter:

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